Monthly Archives: February 2021

Major Matt’s 1st Monday, February 2021 Playlist

Major Matt Mason USA

Recently, I took part in a four day, stay at home, silent meditation retreat. There were occasional talks but part of the idea was a break from everyday stimuli. I chose to not look at my phone, watch TV, or even read for the entire length of the retreat.

I had some anxiety about whether I could even do it. It’s funny, I lived almost my entire childhood without cable TV. Cellphones weren’t even a common thing until I was in my mid 20’s. But I have become so conditioned that being without them for just four days made me a little edgy. I also didn’t listen to any recorded music.

Oddly enough, none of this was as difficult ask I had anticipated. After about a half a day, I started noticing the complexity of all the sounds happening in the natural world around me. I ate all my meals…

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